International Solar Alliance (ISA) and the challenges it faces today

International Solar Alliance (ISA) is a treaty based inter-governmental international organization with the vision of making solar energy affordable, thus achieving energy security and sustainable development.

Major objectives of the ISA are

  • Reducing the cost of finance and cost of technology
  • Enhancing energy security and achieving sustainable development
  • Mobilize $1 trillion investment in Solar Energy by 2030
  • Overcoming hurdles in deployment of solar energy as an alternative source of energy
  • India has committed to produce 100 GW of 175 GW through solar energy.
  • Tobring 121 countries that lie between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn that receives plenty of sunshine and are mostly developing nations.
ISA alliance is a step that reinforces the objectives of Paris deal on climate change and SDG goal 7 (affordable and sustainable energy).

Affordable and clean source of energy is a priority for tackling the impact of climate change but there certain challenges which stands in the way to achieve the targets of ISA.

Challenges in front of ISA

  • Installation cost of solar energy is high which makes it unattractive in less developed countries where other sources such as coal based thermal plants are cheaper.
  • High tariff rates increases the cost of solar energy. USA is following monopolistic policy in solar cells which deter other countries from indigenously manufacturing it.
  • Research and development in the field of solar energy is low.
  • Storage and distribution is a problem as lithium batteries are required for storing of solar energy.

Short term Challenges

Increasing cost of solar energy equipment, especially silicon

Long term Challenges

Infrastructure funding in poorer countries, tariff Disincentivizing private investment, governance, Monopolistic attitude of lithium by China,USA followed high protectionist policies disincentivizing research and development.

ISA can be a platform to achieve global sustainable development by achieving energy security, environment sustainability, and social upliftment of vulnerable people. Cooperative efforts should be taken at the global level to overcome the challenges, open and fair trade policy should be adopted, and research and innovation should be encouraged to achieve the goals.

Source:- Chanakya Ias


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