Behemoth Arrives

Walmart deal will boost Indian retail and the entire start-up space

TOI Editorials
Walmart’s $16 billion deal to buy a 77% stake in domestic online retailer Flipkart is not just the largest ever e-commerce deal, it is also symptomatic of the churn taking place in the retail industry. Driven by rapid advances in information and communications technology, traditional boundaries are disappearing. The Walmart deal has come in the wake of a global trend where online and offline retail are rapidly converging. Therefore, this deal is a positive development not just for the retail industry but also the entire Indian e-commerce industry. It opens up space for more funding to start-ups.
Over the last couple of years, India witnessed early signs of convergence between offline and online retail. Amazon, the other US e-commerce giant operating here, not only entered into limited agreements with offline retailers, it picked up an equity stake in Shoppers Stop. Amazon also ventured into physical retailing in US where technology was used to eliminate traditional inconveniences such as a check-out queue. Consequently, retailing has evolved in the direction of an omni-channel business model. The implication is that e-commerce is not a zero sum game. It brings in a new dimension without totally destroying physical outlets.
If other developments in retail are juxtaposed to the Walmart deal, there is a strong possibility that this FDI in e-commerce will prove beneficial to both consumers and traditional offline retailers. Homegrown offline retailers with a pan-India presence have been acquiring traditional retailers with limited geographical presence. The current trend of convergence, with global giants looking to partner with homegrown retailers, will help a segment of the industry that would otherwise have found raising adequate capital challenging and struggled to access cutting edge technology. The apprehensions of a section of India’s traditional retailers are, therefore, unfounded. The benefits of foreign investment will ripple out across the sector.
The full potential of these benefits can be unlocked only if government opts to bring its policy in line with market developments. India’s retail policy has been hamstrung by the influence of interest groups. It has led to a situation where policy is designed for a world where there is no convergence between offline and online. Consequently, developments in technology and the marketplace have surged ahead through loopholes. But this situation only undercuts ease of doing business. Government now needs to take a holistic view and bring policy and regulations in sync with the opportunities thrown up by technological advances.


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